Movies, music, games, books, television, and more.

My opinions, jaded completely by my feelings, experiences, beliefs, and how I'm feeling at the time.

*SPOILERS* I will usually include a section at the end that may contain spoilers. If you don't want to know, don't read that part.

My opinion is not yours, nor should yours be mine. If you want to know for yourself, do for yourself. If you disagree, that's fine - you can make one of these for yourself for free.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Table of Contents: “Collected Fiction Volume 2 (1926-1930)"

As promised, this post will continue our journey through the contents of each of the four volumes in Joshi’s new editions, with a brief synopsis from me regarding the tales which I’ve read so far. You’ll notice that the list is significantly shorter this time around – this volume only contains thirteen stories – but they are also quite a bit longer. I’ve also read a larger percentage of them, thanks mostly to the shortened list of contents, but also because we’re getting the real meat of Lovecraft at this point.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Table of Contents: “Collected Fiction Volume 1 (1905-1925)”

The stars have aligned, but rather than creating the correct conditions for Cthulhu to rise from his slumber, the end result is that I’m actually following through on writing yet another Lovecraft post. Your excitement over this development may vary; it’s possible that you were looking forward to being driven mad by the sight of a being the size of a mountain striding out of the sea. If so, apologies, and I hope my little blog post can provide you at least a taste of cosmic horror until the day when the one who is dead but dreaming awakens.

Friday, December 22, 2017

“I Couldn't Live a Week Without a Private Library" : My Lovecraft Collection (Part One)

In my first Lovecraft post, I wrote about the several occasions on which I have sought to expand my collection of his works, despite it flying in the face of all practical considerations. I gave my reasons and rationalizations for the purchases, but as any collector can attest, there is one answer as to why I bought those books: Because I did not yet own them. I’ve found that people, even those of the “nerdy” persuasion we so often associate with collecting things, fall into two categories on the subject. There are those who immediately understand my sentiment above, and those to whom it is a foreign concept. Folks in the latter group might be able to understand that drive in theory, but you can usually tell after just a few moments’ discussion on the matter that they don’t feel that same pull as a collector.

Friday, December 15, 2017

"With Strange Aeons" : My Introduction to Lovecraft

From the fall of 2010 to the very tail end of 2015, I lived in various parts of eastern Maryland between Washington, D.C. and Baltimore. During this period, I only visited Alabama and saw my family twice a year, for my birthday in July, and for Christmas / New Year. During these trips – especially centered as they were around two times of year when I’m usually in a buying mood – I tended to let myself splurge, especially on books and movies. (Also LEGO sets, but that’s not currently relevant.)

My trip home at the end of 2013 / start of 2014 was a rough one though; my roommate had announced unexpectedly in November that he would be moving out, leaving me to either find a replacement or a new place to live. By the time of my visit home, I still hadn’t had success at either venture, and knew that by the end of January, I would be in dire straits indeed unless something changed. I tell you all of that so you have an idea of my mindset as I stood in the Tuscaloosa Barnes & Noble, holding copies of “At the Mountains of Madness and Other Weird Tales” and “The Call of Cthulhu and Other Dark Tales” from the B&N Library of Essential Reading.