Movies, music, games, books, television, and more.

My opinions, jaded completely by my feelings, experiences, beliefs, and how I'm feeling at the time.

*SPOILERS* I will usually include a section at the end that may contain spoilers. If you don't want to know, don't read that part.

My opinion is not yours, nor should yours be mine. If you want to know for yourself, do for yourself. If you disagree, that's fine - you can make one of these for yourself for free.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Desert Island

If I - your much beloved, yet little praised master of ceremonies - was trapped, eternally, upon an island with no outside contact, what acclaimed pieces of entertainment value would I most desire to have with me? The categories being what they are: literature, music, and cinema - the rules being thus: I know them, and that's what is important - and the limit in each being five items, I came up with the following list:

"The Dark Tower” (Book VII) - Stephen King
"Huck Finn" - Mark Twain
"Hamlet" - Shakespeare
"Job: A Comedy of Justice" – Robert Heinlein
"The Bible" - God, et al

Movies / TV
“Finding Nemo”
“Close Encounters of the Third Kind”
“Clerks II”
“Red Dwarf: Season One”
“Star Wars”

“Born to Run” – Bruce Springsteen
“The Joshua Tree” – u2
“Bat Out of Hell II” – Meat Loaf
“Little Shop of Horrors” Movie Soundtrack
“In Your Honor” – The Foo Fighters

Assuming anyone cares to read it, I shall endeavor to assess my reasons for these choices and post them in something at least alluding to an explanation of each. If you are one such thta takes the time to read these things, I applaud you. If you futher decide to comment upon such, it will be read and digested with eagerness - especially if you add in a list of your own.

And if you happen to be the disagreeable type who will read it, pick it apart, and then decide to reprimand my choices as oppossed to working towards you own; or if you are the kind of person who asks such questions as "Where would you get a power source or the supplies for the music and movies?", please feel free to do so.

On your own damn webspace.

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