Movies, music, games, books, television, and more.

My opinions, jaded completely by my feelings, experiences, beliefs, and how I'm feeling at the time.

*SPOILERS* I will usually include a section at the end that may contain spoilers. If you don't want to know, don't read that part.

My opinion is not yours, nor should yours be mine. If you want to know for yourself, do for yourself. If you disagree, that's fine - you can make one of these for yourself for free.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Xann Black Plays... Prey Night 1, Part 1

After being surprised by the demo, I decided to pick up the new Prey reboot from Arkane Studios, the team behind the Dishonored franchise. Watch me dive into the opening section! Along the way, I learn about life, chair love, and giving flowers to tentacle monsters.

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